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Company Name: Wenling Jingqiu Machinery Parts Factory
Contact person: Mr. Jiang
Contact number: 0576-86810225
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What is a gearbox gear

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2023/5/10 16:31:30 Hits:180
Transmission gears often operate at high speeds, high loads, and constantly alternating speeds and loads. In addition to normal wear and tear, gears can also experience gear impact due to poor lubricating oil quality, poor lubrication conditions, improper driving operations, and improper gear assembly and engagement during maintenance, which can accelerate gear wear and damage. Gears rely on their structural dimensions and material strength to withstand external loads, which requires materials to have high strength, toughness, and wear resistance; Due to the complex shape of gears, high precision is required, and good material craftsmanship is also required. The commonly used material for transmission gears is forged steel.
Next:The Function of Automobile Transmission Gears
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